Message To All Personnel Before The Final Battle Of El-Alamein

Lt General Montgomery's final message distributed throughout the Eighth Allied Army that included our own 2NZEF which was sent out to all before the final Battle of El Alamein began at 21:30 hours on the 23rd of October 1942 in Egypt, North Africa.

One of Montgomery's strengths was his caring ability to communicate with every part of the Allied International 8th Army at all levels.  He showed significant leadership and an ability to inspire his troops, giving them the knowledge that they had 100% support and ensuring them they were numerically superior in numbers had the correct weaponry for the job in hand with transport and supplies also in superior numbers than the enemy to give them an advantage over the Axis forces. He was certainly correct on this vital last point.



Imperial War Museum, Denis Clough archive

Submitted by aircrew on

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