Two sons of L/Sgt Haane Manahi 2007

The two sons of L/Sgt Haane Manahi, Geoff and Rauawa Manahi during the ceremony at Papaiouru Marae, Ohinemutu to remember Haane's actions at Takrouna (Tunisia) and to recieve the three gifts from Queen Elizabeth's representative, Prince Andrew.  The gifts remembered God, King and Country and were:  An Altar Frontal Cloth to be used at St Faiths Church, Ohinemutu; A photograph of the Queen; King George VI sword to be known as the 'Te Arawa Sword of Gallantry for Haane Manahi'.  Image captured 10.05am on the 17th March 2007.

Geoff Manahi Family Collection.
Submitted by Geoff Manahi on

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