Putu Poutu

Sergeant Putu Poutu, who embarked with the Main Body.

Nga Taonga a Nga Tama Toa Trust
Submitted by mbadmin on

Takupu (2)

Kia ora mbadmin, My sister and I wondered if there were any way to find out about Maori Battalion researchers and or interviews or projects in the early 1990's.There was a crew who had gone to our grandparents house and after asking, took from them a newspaper clipping with commentary of a few soldiers in sand dunes. Our grandfather declined an interview.  These people were researching for a tv documentary, that is all that we know. We are anxious to find out who these people may have been, and to find out whatever has happened with the photo sources.  I am assuming that your establishment may have some sort of record of the research or documentary that perhaps coincided with that timeframe, and would appreciate any help at all. Thank you Naku naa noa Jacqui